NCAND Region Information

NCAND has a region format to better serve all current members throughout the state of North Carolina. This new region format will not require any additional dues payment to be submitted. An NCAND member can participate in any/all NCAND and region events. The district membership forms will no longer be available due to this transition taking place.

Click here to see a map of the regions

District to Regions Transition - NCAND Member FAQs

What is the difference between a district and a region?

An internal district (NCAND’s current districts are internal) is an organization with its own elected board but it is still legally and financially a part of NCAND. A region is led by an appointed committee rather than elected and the size and structure of those committees are more flexible and will require less time from volunteers. Regions are still legally and financially a part of NCAND.

How do I become a member of the North Carolina Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (NCAND)?

Membership in a state affiliate (like NCAND) is included with your Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics membership. A portion of your AND membership dues come directly to NCAND. To become a member of NCAND you must be a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). When you are renewing or starting your AND membership select North Carolina as your state affiliate, that’s it! Once you’ve selected NC as your state affiliate within your AND membership you are a NCAND member, no additional action is needed.

What counties are in which Region?

There will be 6 Regions across the state, the counties in each are listed below.

  • Western Region: Cherokee, Graham, Clay, Swain, Macon, Jackson, Haywood, Madison, Transylvania, Henderson, Buncombe, Polk, Rutherford, McDowell, Yancey, Mitchell, Burke, Cleveland, Avery, Caldwell, Alexander, Watauga, Ashe, Wilkes, Alleghany

  • Charlotte Region: Gaston, Lincoln, Catawba, Iredell, Rowan, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Stanly, Montgomery, Union, Anson, Richmond

  • Triad Region: Surrey, Yadkin, Davie, Davidson, Forsyth, Stokes, Rockingham, Guilford, Randolph, Alamance, Caswell

  • Triangle Region: Person, Granville, Vance, Warren, Franklin, Wake, Durham, Orange, Chatham, Lee, Moore, Harnett, Johnston

  • North Coastal Region: Nash, Halifax Northampton, Hertford, Gates, Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Gertie, Edgecombe, Wilson, Martin, Pitt, Greene, Lenoir, Jones, Craven, Beaufort, Washington, Tyrrell, Dare, Hyde, Pamlico, Carteret

  • South Coastal Region: Onslow, Duplin, Wayne, Sampson, Cumberland, Hoke, Scotland, Robeson, Bladen, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, Pender

What if I work in a different Region than my permanent address?

No problem! One of the major benefits of our new Regional structure will be that you can attend events in any region at any time and while your “region” will be based on the address you use to renew your AND membership that doesn’t restrict which events you can attend. All events across the state will be shared and accessible to all members!

Do I need to take any action to join a Region?

No! If you join the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and select NC as your state affiliation you will become a NCAND member, receive NCAND communications, and automatically be a member of the region in which you live, no additional action required!

How often can I expect events to occur in my Region?

Events will vary by region but you can expect at least 4-5 education events per year and 2+ social/networking events to occur in each Region. 

If I have an idea for an event or speaker, how can I share that with my Regional Leadership?

We’d love to hear your ideas! You can share an idea with your Regional Leadership here anytime.

FAQs for Serving on Regional Committees

How can I get involved in my Region?

How exciting! We will be sharing a list of open positions and their responsibilities in the coming month. Stay tuned for a call for nominations and interest later this winter/early spring via email, you will be able to enter your information into a form at that time and we will reach out to discuss the positions in greater detail.

What’s the maximum number of committee members per Region?

There is not a required minimum amount on each committee. The more the merrier, up to a maximum 15 members on each Regional Committee.

How many hours per month would serving on a Regional Committee require?

It will depend on the position and time of year. It could be anywhere from 2-5 hours/month to closer to 10-15 hours/month for the Regional Coordinator position.

What are the expectations for being a Regional Coordinator?

The role of the Regional Coordinator is to lead the Regional Committee and to be the liaison between the Region and the NCAND Board of Directors.

The Regional 
Coordinator will:

  • Plan and lead monthly or bimonthly meetings with the Regional Committee

  • Support Regional Committee in planning and executing multiple educational, social, and networking events in the region each year

  • Communicate with the NCAND Board and Executive Director regularly for logistical support such as budgeting requests, event planning needs, and marketing/communication efforts

  • Assist with succession planning and recruitment for future Regional Committee volunteers

  • This position will require 5-10 hours per month depending on the time of year and the meeting and events calendars

Does serving on a Regional prepare me for serving on the NCAND Board?

Absolutely, yes! We strongly encourage getting involved on a Regional Committee prior to serving on the NCAND Board. Getting involved on a Regional Committee is a great way to start getting involved in NCAND and determine if you’d like to serve on the NCAND Board in a larger capacity in the future.